Panel Members

Marc Joanisse

Dr. Marc Joanisse is a Professor at the University of Western Ontario in the department of Psychology and the Western Institute for Neuroscience, and is also the Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Social Science. He received his PhD from the University of Southern California. His research examines the neurocognitive bases of language and reading, focusing on developmental language disability and reading disorders in children, and second-language learning in adults. His laboratory uses a multi-modal approach including eye-tracking, EEG, functional MRI, and diffusion-weighted MRI (DTI). He has also worked extensively with computational techniques, including neural network models, machine learning classifiers, growth curve modeling and linear mixed effects models.

He serves as an Associate Editor at Neurobiology of Language and The Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, and the editorial board at the Journal of Memory and Language. He has served as Associate Chair of Graduate Studies in Psychology at Western (2014-18), and as Chair of Canada’s Tri-Agency Advisory Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research (2015-18).

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